



PHCグループは、RegeneratOR Innovation Acceleratorに参加することで、再生医療におけるプレゼンスを拡大します。

世界的なヘルスケア企業であり、診断とライフサイエンスのリーダーであるPHCグループは、RegeneratOR Innovation Acceleratorに参加することで、再生医療におけるプレゼンスを拡大します。RegenMed Development Organization (ReMDO)とWake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM)は、イノベーション・クォーターに位置する再生医療治療の発見と実用化を加速する2つの組織で、本日開催された特別イベントで発表されました。

PHCグループはReMDO’s RegeneratOR Test Bedの初期のパートナーであり、高度な組織加工技術を提供し、研究者のプロトタイピングや製品開発を支援しています。また、ReMDOのもう一つのプログラムであるイノベーション・アクセラレーターは、新しい再生医療技術を持つ企業にスペースとサポートを提供するために設立された。PHCグループは現在、イノベーション・アクセラレーター内に自社と持ち株会社、パートナー企業のための現地事務所を設立している。その中には、PHCグループが所有する精密がん診断会社で、毎秒44回病理医や研究者に製品が使用されているEpredia社や、病理学の画像解析のための人工知能(AI)ソフトウェアを提供する医療ソフトウェア会社Aiforia社が含まれる。EprediaはAiforiaの前臨床および臨床病理ツールのポートフォリオの世界的な販売パートナーです。



エプレディアを含むPHCグループとアイフォリアのイノベーション・アクセラレーターにおける高度な技術支援は、RegeneratORの最新プログラムであるRegenMed Clinical Trials Catalystへの道も開きます。







「解剖学的病理学の世界的リーダーとして、Eprediaは精密医療ツールと情報の提供に尽力しており、RegenMed Hubのエコシステムにおける当社のプレゼンスを拡大することは理にかなっています。私たちはパートナーシップを拡大し、一流の科学者やイノベーターとより直接的に関わり、臨床移行の試みを加速させ、健康に大きな影響を与える可能性があることに興奮しています。

- スティーブン・ライナム、Epredia社長

- スティーブン・ライナム、Epredia社長

About Epredia

Epredia is a global leader in the supply of comprehensive laboratory solutions for anatomic pathology, histology, and cytology instruments and consumables. Epredia offers solutions for precision cancer diagnostics through our trusted brands Erie Scientific, Richard Allen Scientific, Shandon, Microm and Menzel-Gläser, which have been known as pioneers, innovators, and standard-bearers of excellence within the industry for over the last 85 years. Epredia was established following the acquisition of Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Anatomical Pathology business by PHC Holdings Corporation in 2019. Epredia has major sites in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and China with a total of around 1,200 employees. Epredia is committed to achieving its mission to improve lives by enhancing cancer diagnostics for patients around the world. For further information on Epredia and its products, please visit www.epredia.com.

About PHC Holdings Corporation (PHC Group)

PHC Holdings Corporation (TSE 6523) is a global healthcare company with a mission of contributing to the health of society through healthcare solutions that have a positive impact and improve the lives of people. Its subsidiaries include PHC Corporation, Ascensia Diabetes Care Holdings AG, Epredia, and LSI Medience Corporation. Together, these companies develop, manufacture, sell and service solutions across diabetes management, healthcare solutions, life sciences and diagnostics. PHC Group’s consolidated net sales in FY2021 were JPY 340 billion with global distribution of products and services in more than 125 countries. www.phchd.com.

About the RegenMed Development Organization

The mission of the RegenMed Development Organization (ReMDO) is to accelerate the discovery and translation of regenerative medicine therapies. ReMDO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that manages a clinical translation initiative that includes thought leaders, representatives from leading US research centers, government representatives, and companies of all sizes. ReMDO conducts research to de-risk technologies and speed up their translation to clinical practice and to the global market. ReMDO manages the world’s first and only professional organization dedicated solely to advancing the regenerative medicine field, the Regenerative Medicine Manufacturing Society (RMMS), and the Regenerative Medicine Manufacturing Innovation Consortium (RegMIC), which manages a private-public partnership of industry and academic members focused on scaling up technologies.

About the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine

The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine is recognized as an international leader in translating scientific discovery into clinical therapies, with many world firsts, including the development and implantation of the first engineered organ in a patient. Over 400 people at the institute, the largest in the world, work on more than 40 different tissues and organs. A number of the basic principles of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine were first developed at the institute. WFIRM researchers have successfully engineered replacement tissues and organs in all four categories – flat structures, tubular tissues, hollow organs and solid organs – and 15 different applications of cell/tissue therapy technologies, such as skin, urethras, cartilage, bladders, muscle, kidney, and vaginal organs, have been successfully used in human patients. The institute, which is part of Wake Forest School of Medicine, is located in the Innovation Quarter in downtown Winston-Salem, NC, and is driven by the urgent needs of patients. The institute is making a global difference in regenerative medicine through collaborations with over 400 entities and institutions worldwide, through its government, academic and industry partnerships, its start-up entities, and through major initiatives in breakthrough technologies, such as tissue engineering, cell therapies, diagnostics, drug discovery, biomanufacturing, nanotechnology, gene editing and 3D printing.

About the Innovation Quarter

Innovation Quarter (www.innovationquarter.com) is a vibrant, mixed-use innovation district located in downtown Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Anchored by Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Innovation Quarter is home to a community of more than 4,500 workers in 115 companies and four other institutions of higher learning where almost 2,000 degree-seeking students come to learn every day. In addition to more than 1,100 residential units, the Innovation Quarter also features a dynamic urban park, publicly accessible greenway and free community events that make this a true “Live.Work.Learn.Play” community. It is a founding member of the Global Institute on Innovation Districts (GIID) and was named a “Best Practice in Creating Integrated Places” by GIID for its work in intentional placemaking.

For more information, please contact:


Bonnie Davis
Email: bdavis@wakehealth.edu

PHC Holdings Corporation/Epredia Media:

Julia Cottrill
Email: Julia.Cottrill@phchd.com